Sunday, October 2, 2016

Evolving From Conventional Math

Good evening and welcome back!

This week's math class was all about embracing different ways of problem solving. We began with an activity where we were split into pairs and provided with two sets of coloured blocks. We had to come up with a value for each coloured block. Afterwards, we were asked to work together with our table and collaborate our ideas and values of the block. We could either use the same value that we came up with, or drop our idea and use the rest of the table's values of the blocks. Once more, we merged with another table and were to do the same thing. Finally, we had to come together as one class and decide on what we wanted each coloured blocks values to be. This became a little difficult as some groups preferred what they had come up with, and other groups liked their own ideas. We eventually had to conform and take a vote to decide what our final block values would be. This shows how change is not an easy thing to adapt to, but it also shows the variety in thinking and learning. We each had our own method that we were comfortable with; they were all different however they were still correct.

Here is a picture I took in class of our activity (featuring James!)

On a similar subject, Sue had gone over the different methods of problem solving and algorithms for operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). One technique that really caught my attention was an algorithm used to solve a multiplication question called "multiplying by drawing lines". I have never seen anything like this! This is definitely an interesting technique that promoted the idea of embracing the diversity in learning math. It is important to realize that there isn't just the one traditional method of problem solving.

Below is a video demonstrating the method of drawing lines to solve a multiplication question:

 M. (2014). Multiply Numbers And Algebra Equations By Drawing Lines. Retrieved October 02, 2016, from
This week's class was right up my alley as I always felt that I was forced to learn one way in math. I was only taught one method in solving problems, which I either was never able to grasp or understand, or was not appealing to me. I know that if I was provided with more of a choice in my years of learning math, I would have enjoyed it much more. Since I was only taught 'black or white', I had a hard time boosting my confidence in my work, as a lot of the time I was told that my answers were incorrect. This goes to show that we cannot force or provide one method of teaching. As educators, we should encourage different methods of learning, as we all learn and think differently! 

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